Yoga/Pilates flow with Mandy
6 - 7pm
Combining key elements from yoga and pilates into one flowing class.
Focusing on increasing flexibility, balance and core strength, with the added bonus of focus and relaxation to finish the session. Suitable for all abilities.
£8.50 drop-in
£40 for 5 weeks
Every Full Moon
Sound Bath Evenings with Helen
Join our fully qualified sound therapist and biodynamic practitioner and bring some natural order into your life with our cosmically tuned sound baths. Learn about the changing full moon energies each month and how they can manifest in our lives; then relax, retune and realign with the pure sounds of the planetary and five element gongs, 432hz crystal singing bowls and Himalayan medicine bowls.
Including herbal teas and home-made goodies.
Every New Moon
Gentle Yoga and Sound Bath Evenings with Helen
Our sound therapist and biodynamic practitioner is also a qualified yoga teacher - so who better to spend an evening with to learn about the new moon energy cycles, realign and tune the body with stretch and release yoga, then relax and retune with a sound healing session. A real treat for body, mind and soul!
Including herbal teas and home-made goodies